HC Deb 25 June 1930 vol 240 cc1168-9W
Major GLYN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what are the imports of merchandise, by classes, into the British Colonies and Protectorates during 1927 and 1928, respectively, from the United Kingdom, from the British Overseas Dominions and Protectorates, and from foreign countries?


The information asked for is as follows:

RETURNS showing Imports of Merchandise by Classes into the British Colonies and Protectorates during 1927 and 1928 from the United Kingdom, from British Overseas Dominions and Protectorates and from Foreign Countries.
From Food, Drink and Tobacco. Raw Materials and Articles mainly unmanufactured. Articles wholly or mainly manufactured. Miscellaneous and Unclassified. Details under Classified Heads not available. Total.
Thous. £ Thous. £ Thous. £ Thous. £ Thous. £ Thous. £
United Kingdom 9,572 2,039 43,026 3,217 22 57,876
Rest of the British Empire including India. 30,025 9,866 13,691 362 124 54,068
Foreign Countries 34,402 35,728 42,451 780 12 113,373
Details of Country of Origin not available. 2,104(g) 3,977 6,081
Total 73,999 47,633 99,168 6,463 4,135 231,398
United Kingdom 10,469 1,718 44,376 1,307 115 58,812(d)
Rest of the British Empire including India 27,972 7,695 12,606 226 778 50,164(d)
Foreign Countries 33,257 26,791 40,191 710 295 101,868(d)
Details of Country of Origin not available. 843(a) 355(a) 1,055(a) 1,427(g) 3,662 5,089(b)
Total 72,541(f) 36,559(f) 98,228(f) 3,755(f) 4,850(e) 215,933
(a) Barbados Imports as allocated by classes.
(b) Excluding Barbados Imports already included in (d).
(c) Barbados Imports, as allocated by countries of origin.
(e) Excluding Barbados Imports already included in (f).
(g) Parcels Post.

No information is available as to the allocation by country of each class of Imports into Barbados for 1928.
These returns do not include Imports of Gold and Silver Bullion and Coin.