HC Deb 30 July 1930 vol 242 cc506-7W
Major POLE

asked the Secretary of State for India if his attention has been drawn to the discrepancy between the statement made in the current memorandum supplied by the Indian Central Board of Revenue to the Public Accounts Committee that the salt depots at Dharasna and Chharwada are Government depots and the statement that they were not Government depots but private property, made in the special circular issued by the Bombay Government in April after Mr. Gandhi had announced his intention of making a salt raid on these two depots; and whether he can make any statement on the matter?


I have not received a copy of either of these documents, but, according to a Press report, the Bombay circular said that "The salt in the Dharasna Chharwada Salt Works is not the property of the Government." This is not inconsistent with a statement that the depots are Government depots.

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