HC Deb 29 July 1930 vol 242 cc281-2W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will reconsider the case of Cyril Wastall, who is now suffering from post-vaccinal encephalitis, and whose condition appears to have been caused by vaccination after enlistment in the Royal Corps of Signals in the year 1921; whether he is aware that Wastall was in perfect health when he enlisted and was appointed switchboard operator; that after vaccination he had double vision for a short time; that consequently his mental powers deteriorated, necessitating transfer to the Highland Light Infantry and discharge at the end of two years as unlikely to make an efficient soldier; whether he is aware that severe shock subsequently brought into activity the symptoms of encephalitis, for which he was treated at a Glasgow hospital for 18 months, and later at Fulham Hospital, and which caused his transfer to an asylum for two years, from which he was discharged in September, 1929; whether he is aware that the medical staff at the Homoeopathic Hospital diagnosed the disease from which Wastall is still suffering as post-vaccinal encephalitis and that this diagnosis was confirmed by a medical officer from the Ministry of Pensions; and whether, seeing that Wastall's mental condition began to deteriorate soon after vaccination in the Army, and is apparently due to that operation, he will have a thorough investigation made of the case, with a view to giving this man a pension?


As my hon. Friend has already been informed, the fullest consideration has been given to all the circumstances of this case. Reports have been obtained from various hospitals in which the man was treated after his discharge and a full medical examination has been carried out. I am advised, however, that the evidence does not establish the view that the onset and progress of the man's disability is connected with any incident of military service, and I am, therefore, unable on the evidence before me to take further action in the case. If, however, my hon. Friend can furnish further material evidence, I shall be glad to consider the same.