HC Deb 21 July 1930 vol 241 c1761W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether it is proposed to carry into effect the report of the committee under the Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, on the subject of the marking of wall and ceiling papers, as printed in Command Paper 3549, or whether alterations have been introduced since the publication of the report; and if he is aware of the anxiety in the trades affected by any contemplated variation?


A draft Order in Council was laid before Parliament on 25th June, to give effect to the recommendations of the Standing Committee on the marking of imported wall and ceiling decorations. Apart from a short extension of the period before the Order comes into force designed to meet the custom of the trade in regard to pattern books, the only departure from the committee's recommendations is an alternative form of marking for papers of special widths. An association of decorators has expressed some concern at this variation of the committee's recommendations, but I am satisfied that it is necessary.