HC Deb 08 July 1930 vol 241 cc251-2W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of claims to widows' pension which were disallowed, but which will require to be granted in view of the recent judgment of the Court of Session in the case of Kerr; and what steps he is taking to advise applicants that their claims are being reconsidered in the light of this decision?


The Department of Health for Scotland are at present engaged in a scrutiny of all the claims for pensions which have been rejected in order to trace the cases which may be affected by the decision in question. Each case, as it is separated, is being examined to ascertain whether there is compliance not only with the conditions of title affected by the judgment but also with the other conditions imposed by the Contributory Pensions Acts. Where the Department find that a pension, previously refused, will now be payable, they will communicate with the applicant with a view to the commencement of regular payments and the payment of accrued arrears. It is not possible at this stage to give the number of such cases, but, while the task involved is of some magnitude, every endeavour will be made to expedite its completion.