HC Deb 31 January 1930 vol 234 c1382W
Major ROSS

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that Mr. Augusto Macari has recently been refused permission to land in this country on his return from Italy where he had been completing his education, and that he had been brought up and had lived in Ireland nearly all his life and was returning to his home to assist his father, who had been resident in Ireland for 36 years in his business; and whether, in view of these facts, permission would now be granted for his re-admission to this country?


Yes, Sir. I am aware that this alien was recently refused leave to land; but from the subsequent statements in the question, I think the case cannot have been correctly represented to the hon. and gallant Member. The alien was born in Italy, lived for some seven years only in Ireland, and left more than 10 years ago for Italy, where he received the greater part of his education. His desire appears to be now to establish himself permanently in Northern Ireland, and, after consultation with the appropriate authorities there, I should not feel justified in granting the requisite facilities.