HC Deb 13 February 1930 vol 235 cc624-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can supply a table showing the trade done between the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and the British Colonies for the period 1922 to 1929?


The statistics for which the hon. Member asks for the period 1922 to 1928, so far as they are available, are given in the following table. No figures are yet available in respect of the year 1929.

Trade between the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and the British Colonies, Protectorates, etc., for the period 1922 to 1928 (1929 figures are not yet available).
(1) The Table below shows the value of Imports from the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics into British Colonies, Protectorates, etc., during the period 1922–1928.
Territory. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928.
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
Kenya and Uganda 399 16 135 159 430 764 387
Northern Rhodesia 104 102 226 190 560 696 1,581
Zanzibar Protectorate 31 3 48 14 2
Gambia 56 207
Gold Coast 89 305 97 66 181 382 825
Sierra Leone 63
Cyprus 67 6,730 15,103 21,762 12,531 14,351 27,799
Malta 97,162 11,888 21,893 87,581
Palestine 22,938 22,958 27,779 74,625 20,536 33,069 28,704
Ceylon 9,844 120,379 242,751 286,696 7,996 7,454 3,646
Mauritius 117 53 104 53 8 8 551
Fiji 39
Hong Kong 1,341 No figures available for period 1923–1928.
British Malaya 54,966 11,519 4,199 3,932 11,444 20,554 723
Bahamas 438 705 555 571
Barbados 92
Jamaica 80 72 167 78 133 1,125 184
Leeward Islands (a) (a) (a) 14 8 (a) (a)
Trinidad and Tobago (a) (a) (a) (a) 640 (a) 716
Grenada 7 11 6 7 32
St. Lucia 4 8
St. Vincent 2 5 2 8 4 6 4
British Guiana 5 41 2
British Honduras 5 6 173 62
(a) Details not available.
(2) There were the undermentioned exports to the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics from British Colonies and Protectorates during 1922–1928.
Kenya and Uganda:
1924—£2; 1926—£9; 1926—£17; 1927—£17; 1928—£6.
Gold Coast:
1922—£6; 1923—£6; 1924—£1; 1925—£2.
1922—£1,138; 1923—£215; 1924—£176; 1925—£1,154; 1926—£2,003; 1927—£2,731; 1928—£547.
1922—£132; 1923—£33; 1924—£10,110: 1925—£108,235; 1926—£56,411; 1927—£257,355; 1928—£296,375.
Hong Kong:
1922—£694 (No figures are available for the period 1923–1928).
British Malaya:
1925—£16,500; 1926—£6,156; 1927—£6,299; 1928—£20,605.
(3) There has been no trade during 1922–1028 between the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and the following:
Somaliland (No details available of the destination of all exports during 1925), Nigeria, Seychelles, St. Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands, Bermuda, Falkland Islands (No figures available for 1928).
(4) There are no details available of any trade during 1922–1928 between the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and the following:
Nyasaland Protectorate, Tanganyika Protectorate, Gibraltar, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, British Solomon Islands Protectorate, New Hebrides, Tonga, Weihaiwei, North Borneo, Sarawak.
Rupees (Years 1922 and 1923) converted at Is. 4d.
Rupees (Years 1924–1928) converted at Is. 6d.
Dollar (Malaya) converted at 2s. 4d.
Dollar (British Guiana and British Honduras) converted at 4s. 2d.
£ Egyptian converted at £1 0s. 6d.

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