HC Deb 06 February 1930 vol 234 c2093W
Major POLE

asked the Secretary of State for India if any steps have been taken by the Government of India to introduce legislation for the purpose of carrying out in India the recommendations of the International Labour Conference held at Washington in 1919 with reference to the provision of maternity benefits?


At the Washington Conference a resolution was adopted inviting the Government of India to make a study of the question and to report to the next Conference. The inquiries were duly instituted by the Government of India, and a report was supplied to the International Labour Conference which met at Geneva in 1921. This report was published in the Official Bulletin of the International Labour Office, Volume 4, No. 10, dated 7th September, 1921. A later inquiry was undertaken by the Government of India in June, 1924, regarding the extent to which maternity benefit schemes were enforced in India. The results of this inquiry were published in Bulletin No. 32 of the Indian Industries and Labour, a copy of which I will send to my hon. and gallant Friend. A copy will also be placed in the Library. Since 1925 maternity benefit schemes have been introduced by various employers. Legislation has been passed by the Bombay Legislative Council, with effect from 1st July, 1929, providing for the grant of maternity benefit to women employed in factories within that province. A Bill on similar lines is under the consideration of the Central Provinces Legislative Council.

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