HC Deb 03 April 1930 vol 237 cc1487-8W

asked the President of the Board of Education the amount of time allocated per day to physical training in the elementary schools; the number of inspectors employed to see that this training is carried out; and whether any changes in the system of such training have been adopted during the past 10 years similar to those initiated in the physical training departments of the Army and Navy?


The amount of time allocated to physical training in public elementary schools varies as a rule from one to two hours per week. The number of inspectors of physical training employed by the Board is 10. The Swedish system, on which the physical training in the schools has for a long time been based, has proved is efficiency and there has, therefore, been no need for any change of system during the last 10 years; but there have been considerable developments during that period in a number of directions, particularly in the provision of greater pacilities for organised games and swimming, and for more advanced exercises for the older children.

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