HC Deb 01 April 1930 vol 237 cc1090-2W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Postmaster-General the total estimated capital expenditure involved in his proposal to provide telephone services with Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and the Argentine, and the dates by which he can guarantee the services will be in operation?


The capital expenditure involved is about £125,000, exclusive of land lines, but this depends on an agreement with the distant countries concerned as to the hours per day they wish the service to be open and the number of alternative wave lengths which they are prepared to use. The dates of opening similarly depend on the negotiations which are proceeding with the telephone administrations concerned. In regard to India and South Africa, I think it desirable to add that it is doubtful whether those countries will be in a position to co-operate in opening a service for some time to come.

Viscount WOLMER

asked the Postmaster-General whether the Dominions have been consulted as to whether they would prefer that the inter-Imperial telephone service should be conducted by the Post Office or the Imperial Communications Company; and, if so, what replies have been received?


No, Sir. The type of organisation required in this country is a matter for the decision of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom.


asked the Postmaster-General whether any loss will occur to the State by his refusal to accept the guarantee offer of Imperial International Communications, Limited, to provide an overseas wireless telephone service for this country?


The answer is in the negative.


asked the Postmaster-General what case was submitted to the independent wireless telephony experts, and in what terms; what was their answer; and will he publish, as a White Paper, the evidence taken before the special committee?

Viscount WOLMER

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will publish the evidence on which he decided his inter-Imperial wireless telephone policy?


I have already published as a White Paper the questions addressed to the experts and their replies. As to publishing further evidence before the Cabinet Committee, I would refer the hon. Members to the statements made in the House in the course of Debate last week by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury and myself.