HC Deb 06 November 1929 vol 231 c1059W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps have been taken to carry out the recommendations of Professor Engledow, of Cambridge, regarding the future work and organisation of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad; how many diploma students are at present attending courses at the college; and how many past students of the college have been posted to appointments in the Agricultural Department of the Colonies during the present year?


The recommendations contained in Mr. F. L. Engledow's Report on the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad have been reviewed by the Governing Body of the College and will shortly be considered by the Empire Marketing Board, on whose behalf Mr. Engledow visited Trinidad. Twenty-one diploma students are at present attending courses at the college; 21 past students of the college have received appointments in Colonial Agricultural Departments during the year 1929.