§ Mr. BRIANTasked the Minister of Labour if it is the intention of the Government to include a woman as a fully accredited delegate to the International Labour Conference and also women as technical advisers?
2446Wof living in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United State3 of America before the War may be found in the Reports by the Board of Trade on "Cost of Living in German Towns" (Cd. 4032 of 1908) and "Cost of Living in American Towns" (Cd. 5609 of 1911).
§ Sir W. de FRECEasked the Minister of Labour the cost of living in 1928, taking 1914 as 100, in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Austria, Czechslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Greece?
§ Mr. BETTERTONThe percentage in.-creases in the cost of living in various overseas countries, based on the index numbers officially compiled in those countries, are published each month in "The Ministry of Labour Gazette." For the countries named in the question, the index numbers of the cost of living in each month of 1928 as compared with the cost in 1914 (=100) so far as data are available, are as given in the following table*
§ Mr. BETTERTONThe composition of the British Delegation to the International Labour Conference is still under consideration, and I am not yet in a position to make any statement in regard to it.