HC Deb 24 July 1929 vol 230 c1336W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is prepared to convene a conference of the Powers interested in the North Sea fisheries at which the questions of imposing size limits for fish landed and sold, the adoption of a larger size of mesh than that at present in use, the delimitation of areas outside territorial waters within which trawling and other methods of capture might be prohibited, and other matters affecting the interests of the North Sea fishermen could be settled by international agreements?


Scientific investigations with a view to ascertaining the best means of securing the rational exploitation of sea fisheries in the North Sea and elsewhere are being conducted by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, a body on which this country is represented. The International Council is, I understand, not yet in a position to advance proposals as to the best methods by which this object might be achieved, and, in these circumstances, my right hon. Friend is of opinion that a conference of the interested Powers as suggested by the hon. Member would be premature.