HC Deb 22 July 1929 vol 230 c929W

asked the Home Secretary the number of persons employed in the city of Carlisle under the State management scheme; the nature of the employment of such persons; their hours of work; the number who are employed in full-time occupation in the service of the State; whether any and, if so, how many are established civil servants; and whether there is any reason why all full-time servants employed by the State management scheme should not be placed upon the permanent establishment?


The number of persons employed in the city of Carlisle under the State management scheme is 573, of whom 425 are in full-time occupation. They are employed on the various duties incidental to the control and conduct of the brewery and the public-houses under State management. Their hours of work are the usual hours and vary according to the nature of their employment. One of these employés—the general manager-is an established civil servant. The hours of the clerical staff are about 45 per week. As at present advised, I do not contemplate making these employés civil servants in the full sense of the word, if that is the meaning of the last sentence of the question.