HC Deb 16 July 1929 vol 230 c258W

asked the Home Secretary the total number of deaths amongst the Metropolitan police for this year to 30th Juno; how many constables and officers were involved in accidents in London; how many were fatally injured; and what compassionate or compensatory allowances are payable to the widow and children in the fatal cases?


During the six months ending 30th ultimo 27 members of the Metropolitan force died; 400 constables and 38 other ranks sustained injuries and were placed on the sick list; 668 constables and 107 other ranks sustained minor injuries not necessitating their being placed on the sick list, and of these injured police two (one inspector and one constable) died from their injuries. These two fatal cases were dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Police Pensions Act, 1921; the constable left no dependants, and no grant was made, while in the case of the inspector the widow received a pension of £40 a year and each of two children allowances of £l2 a year until the age of 16.

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