HC Deb 07 February 1929 vol 224 c1973W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether cases of sea-wall damage, owing to the exceptional floods last year, are eligible for grants under the scheme for providing relief for people in distressed areas; if so, what are the conditions relating to such grants; are private owners eligible as well as drainage commissioners; and have any applications for grants been made in respect of damage to sea walls in Essex?


Cases of damage to sea walls where they are situated within the jurisdiction of a statutory drainage authority are eligible for grants under the Ministry's scheme for assisting the transfer of unemployed labour from the depressed mining areas. The conditions under which grants are available are set out in certain circular letters of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy. The only bodies who are qualified to make applications are statutory drainage authorities, and, by virtue of certain powers conferred upon them under the Land Drainage Act of 1926, county coun-

Utilisation of Milk in Great Britain.
Estimated Production. Approximate quantities of fresh milk used.
Million gallons.
Butter 674,200 cwt. 198
Cheese 857,500 cwt. 96
Cream* 3,138 000 gallons 31
Condensed Milk 783,000 cwt. 21
Milk Powder 123,000 cwt. 9
Miscellaneous 20
Waste (at 3 per cent.) 39
Available for consumption as liquid milk 874
Total production of milk (exclusive of milk fed to stock) 1,288
* The cream consumed in farmers' households is included in the total of liquid milk available for consumption as such.