HC Deb 16 December 1929 vol 233 c999W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of tin miners registered as unemployed in Cornwall during the last three months?


Separate figures for tin miners are not available but the numbers of insured persons, aged 16 to 64, classified as belonging to tin, lead and copper mining, recorded as unemployed in Cornwall were:

23rd September, 1929 716
20th October, 1929 795
25th November, 1929 994

Grounds of disallowance. 4 weeks ended 9th Sept., 1929. 5 weeks ended 14th Oct., 1929. 4 weeks ended 11th Nov., 1929.
Claims disallowed by Insurance Officers:—
First statutory condition* 3 4 3
Not unable to obtain suitable employment 3 5 3
Not genuinely seeking work 36 45 42
Employment lost through misconduct 4 7 5
Employment left voluntarily without just cause 22 20 12
Other permanent provisions 3 6
Transitional Conditions Sec. 14 (2) U.I. Act, 1927 23 36 56
Totals 91 120 127
Claims recommended for disallowance by Courts of Referees on review after payment of 78 days benefit:—
Not genuinely seeking work 7 7 1
Total disallowances 98 127 128
* This condition at present operates only in the case of juveniles under 18 years of age.