HC Deb 16 December 1929 vol 233 c1003W
Major POLE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies the latest available figures showing the number of East Indians and Europeans resident in

RETURN showing (1) the estimated number of East Indians and Europeans on 31st December, 1928, in British Guiana, Mauritius, Fiji and Trinidad, and (2) the proportion these numbers bear to the estimated Total Population of those Colonies.

Colony. Total Population. Europeans. East Indians.
Number. Percentage to Total Population. Number. Percentage to Total Population.
British Guiana 307,784 11,302 3.67 126,964 41.25
Mauritius 404,802(3) General(1) 28.35 281,025 69.42
Fiji 176,793 4,591 2.6 70,996 40.16
Trinidad and Tobago 397,093 General(3) 67.52 128,970 32.48
(1) Total Population less the Indian and Chinese Populations.
(2) Excluding Dependencies.
(3) Total Population less the East Indian Population.