HC Deb 22 April 1929 vol 227 cc643-4W

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that Mr. McNab, of Pierpoint Street, Warrington, was recently disqualified from receiving unemployment benefit on the grounds that he was not genuinely seeking work, with the result that he applied for relief to the local board of guardians and entered the workhouse, where he worked 41½ hours each week for four weeks; that an appeal was made in the interim against the decision of the court of referees and the umpire conceded benefit; and that the local Employment Exchange, upon the receipt of this benefit, handed over the whole of the amount to the board of guardians; and what action he intends taking in the matter?


Mr. McNab's appeal to the court of referees against the disallowance of benefit by the insurance officer was successful, with the result that seven weeks' arrears of benefit, amounting to £11 4s., were due to him. During the seven weeks he received in outdoor relief from the guardians the sum of £6 12s. 6d., which he would not have received if he had been in receipt of benefit. In accordance with Section 14 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1922, this sum was paid to the guardians out of the benefit due to Mr. McNab, and the balance of £4 11s. 6d. was paid at the same time to Mr. McNab. I am informed that during four weeks the guardians required Mr. McNab to perform task work, averaging 27 hours a week, as a condition of receiving relief.

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