HC Deb 15 April 1929 vol 227 cc21-2W

asked the Minister of Health the number of applications for widows', children's, and orphans' pensions, respectively, during the year ending 31st March, 1929?


The following particulars relate to England and Wales: From 1st April, 1928, to 21st March, 1929, the latest date for which the figures are available, 67,021 applications for widows' pensions and 1,927 applications for orphans' pensions were received. Separate application is not made for children's allowances, which form part of widows' pensions. No record has been kept of the number of children included in claims for widows' pensions.


asked the Minister of Health the number of widows', children's, and orphans' pensions, respectively, paid during the year ending 31st March, 1929?


The following particulars relate to England and Wales. The number of pensions awarded from 1st April, 1928, to 31st March, 1929, the latest date for which figures are available, was: widows (including children's allowances), 52,182; orphans, 1,755. On 31st December, 1928, the total number in payment was: widows' pensions, 207,351; children's allowances, 223,311; orphans' pensions, 12,792.


asked the Minister of Health the amount paid in widows', children's, and orphans' pensions, respectively, during the year ending 31st March, 1929?


The amounts paid in England and Wales during the year ending 31st March, 1929, will be approximately:

Widows' pensions (including allowances for children) 7,600,000
Orphans' pensions 250,000
The amount included in widows' pensions in respect of allowances for children is not recorded separately.