HC Deb 08 November 1928 vol 222 c235W

asked the Minister of Pensions, seeing that Section 5 of the War Pensions Act, 1921, provides that a claim in respect to injury due to War service may be made within seven years of discharge, if he can state the number of applications that were not considered because the claim was made more than seven years after the termination of active service, though the men were not discharged until the termination of the Military Service Acts; and if these men will now have their claims considered, as the applications were refused owing to an official error in the interpretation of this section of the Act?


The date of discharge for the purposes of Section 5 of the War Pensions Act, 1921, is defined by Section 10 (2) of the same Act as the date "when the man's active service terminated." I am not aware that any official error in the interpretation of this Section has occurred.