HC Deb 21 June 1928 vol 218 c1786W
Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Transport whether, seeing that contracting firms engaged in road making have been able to reduce their costs during the last five years, he has received any representations from contractors that certain work could be done for less price if the terms of the tender could be reopened and improved methods of construction effected; and whether, owing to the length of time intervening between schemes being authorised and work actually being commenced, there have been cases where the work has been carried out at unnecessary cost to the public?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am not aware that any general representations of the character mentioned have been made, or what cases my hon. and gallant Friend has in mind in the second part of the question.

Major GLYN

asked the Minister of Transport what is the total amount of money authorised to date from the Road Fund for the purpose of constructing arterial roads and by-passes; what, is the average cost per mile of these roads; and how does this figure compare with the cost in 1922?

Colonel ASHLEY

There is no precise definition of an arterial road, and I fear that there is no basis upon which a return could be readily prepared. The Annual Report upon the Administration of the Road Fund gives a general survey of the more important works carried out during the year.