HC Deb 13 July 1928 vol 219 cc2632-3W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of men, women, and boys and girls, and young women and young men, respectively, who have been refused unemployment benefit in the Elland division of Yorkshire since 19th April, 1928; the number of courts of referees in the division and the names and addresses of the members of the courts; what meetings have been held; if

Males. Females. Total.
Men. Young Persons. Boys. Women. Young Persons. Girls.
80 2 13 2 97

These offices are within the area of the Huddersfield Court of Referees and separate statistics of the cases dealt with by that Court from the Elland division of Yorkshire are not available. During the period above mentioned this Court of Referees held ten sessions, at seven of which representatives of employers and of insured contributors were present. At the other three sessions representatives of insured contributors were present but representatives of employers were not. I am sending the hon. Member a list of the names and addresses of the members of the panels of the Court. The eases dealt with by the Huddersfield Court during the period 19th April, 1928, to 11th June, 1928, were as follow:

Recommendations in favour of Males. Females. Total.
Allowance 70 26 96
Disallowance 67 37 104

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