HC Deb 19 December 1928 vol 223 c3028W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works whether, in view of the fears that have been widely expressed that the sacristy proposed to be built on the north side of Westminster Abbey will disfigure that side of the Abbey church; that it will occupy an open space long enjoyed by the public; and that to provide access to it from within the church certain monuments of considerable value may have to be disturbed, will the Government offer the Dean and Chapter the use of the Chapter House for the storage and display of their valuable old and modern vestments and plate and as a place where the clergy and others may vest or robe themselves on occasions of special importance, seeing that the magnificient floor of the Chapter House can be protected during such use?


The First Commissioner has received no representations on the subject from the Dean and Chapter, or from any other body, but, although he does not wish to commit himself to the view that my hon. Friend's proposals are practicable, he is prepared, if any such representations are made, to give them full and careful consideration.