HC Deb 19 December 1928 vol 223 cc3044-6W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what was the number of men and women authorised and employed, respectively, in each of the following Departmental classes in each of the Departments and the main sub-Departments of the larger Departments in which the classes concerned are employed, as at 1st April, 1920, and 1st April, 1928, respectively; Departmental clerical classes subject to a male maximum of £180 basic; Departmental clerical classes subject to a male maximum of £250 basic; and Departmental clerical classes subject to a male maximum of £400 basic?


The following information relates only to the position as at 1st April, 1928. Similar information for the corresponding date in 1920 is not available.

I.—Departmental Clerical Classes.
Numbers authorised and numbers employed on 1st April, 1928.
Department. Maximum £180 (a). Maximum £250 (a). Maximum £400 (a).
Authorised. Employed. Authorised. Employed Authorised. Employed.
Men and Women. Men. Women. Men and Women. Men. Women. Men and Women. Men. Women.
Admiralty 1,162 1,162 289 265 127 126
Air Ministry (b) 346 258 18 81 72 1 23(c) 20(c)
County Courts 636 512 12 187 173 37 29
Customs and Excise 1,537 1,361 49 200 182(d)
Home Office 55 48 7 12 12
Inland Revenue 3,877 3,522 428 1,883 1,453 126 884 811
Labour Ministry 3,400 2,377 744 1,600 1,210 386 810 617 94
Ordnance Survey 44 55(e) 11 11 5 5
Board of Trade (b) 145 117 4 46(c) 41(c) 30(c) 28(c)
War Office Outstations. 810 772 121 120 41 39
Supply and Accty. Depts. 744 782 192 182 91 90
Professional Depts. 418 380 97 83 36 36
Air Ministry.
Meteorological Office. 137 71(f) 18(f) 38 35(f) 1(f) 9 9(f)
Outstations 209 187 43 37 14(c) 11(c)
Inland Revenue.
Tax Inspecting Branch. 3,556 3,266 427 1,754 1,417 126 877 807
Valuation Office (E. & W.). 248 184 108 25 3
Valuation Office (Sc.). 17 21 11 1
Coll. of Income Tax (E. & W.). 5 5 3 3 1 1
Coll. of Income Tax (Sc.). 51 46 1 7 7 2 2
Coll. of Income Tax (N. I.). 1 1
Labour Ministry.
E. & I. Dept. 3,360 2,355 739 1,582 1,198 330 767 587 81
Other Depts. 40 22 5 18 12 6 43 30 13
Board of Trade.
Bankruptcy and Companies Dept. (Ex H.Q.). 91 77 4 32 31 27(c) 25(c) 1
Mercantile Marine (Outports). 54 40 14(c) 10(c) 3(c) 3(c)
(a) Including officers on the corresponding scales for women.
(b) Vacancies are in general blocked temporarily by officers of other grades.
(c) Includes certain officers on scales rising to maxima of £300 and £350 per annum.
(d) Includes 88 posts blocked by officers rising to a maximum of £450 per annum.
(e) Includes officers assimilated to the scale and blocking other posts.
(f) Includes a certain number of unestablished staff.

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