§ Mr. B. SMITHasked the Minister of Transport whether, seeing that the trunk road reconstruction programme of 1924 proposed works extending over 500 miles of road and involved a contribution from the Road Fund of £6,500,000, and that the estimated cost of works completed or in hand at the 31st March, 1926, amounted to £3,427,182 in England and Wales and £660,930 in Scotland, he will lay upon the Table a statement of progress to the 31st March, 1927, showing, with reference to each road, the length of the road works included in the programme, the length completed at the 31st March, 1927, and the approximate date for the completion of the remainder?
§ Colonel ASHLEYI trust that it will serve the hon. Member's purpose if I include a statement on the progress in the programme of trunk road reconstruction in the Annual Report upon the Administration of the Road Fund for the year 1926–27. Similar statements have appeared in the last two Annual Reports.