HC Deb 14 March 1927 vol 203 cc1670-2W

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the expenditure on British forces and Indian forces, respectively, incurred in Iraq in the financial year 1926–27?


I have been asked to reply. The provision made in the Estimates, 1926, for the forces referred to is:

Royal Air Force 2,594,900
British Army 268,000
Indian Forces 250,000
Figures of actual expenditure will not be available for several months, but will be less than the estimate.


asked the Secretary of State for War what are the military

British Forces. Indian Forces. Iraq Forces and Levies.
Infantry Battalions 1 2 10 (In addition, 3 Depot and 1 Machine Gun Company).
Armoured Car Companies 3
Signal Sections 1
Wireless Companies 1 1 Section.
Inland Water Transport Companies 1
Companies of Sappers and Miners 1
Cavalry Regiments 4
Cavalry Depots 1
Cavalry Schools 1
Batteries of Artillery 4
Frontier Companies 2
Transport Companies 1 4
Medical and Ambulance Corps 2
Ordnance Sections 1
Remounts and Veterinary Sections 1
Military Police Corps 1
I should add that the Inland Water Transport is in process of disbandment and the British Infantry Battalion is leaving this month without relief.

forces now being maintained in Iraq, distinguishing between British forces, Indian forces, and those in the Iraq army, specifying infantry battalions, armoured-car companies, signal sections, wireless companies, inland water transport detachments, companies of sappers and miners, regiments of cavalry, batteries of artillery, infantry frontier companies, and transport companies?


I have been asked to reply. The following table gives the information requested: