HC Deb 10 March 1927 vol 203 cc1383-4W

asked the Home Secretary the number of persons convicted for offences committed during the coal dispute under the Emergency Powers Regulations or the Common Law, respectively, who are still in prison; how many are awaiting sentence; and how many are still awaiting trial?


The following figures show the position as it was on 7th March. 81 persons, of whom six were convicted under the Emergency Regulations and 75 under the ordinary law, were still serving sentence on that date for offences arising out of the coal dispute. 151 were awaiting trial at Assizes, of whom 140 Were, on bail and 11 were in prison serving sentence on other charges arising out of the coal dispute. None who were convicted were still awaiting sentence. In addition, and excluding cases which have been adjournedsine die, there are some 27 cases under the ordinary law, and one under the Emergency Regulations, in which proceedings before Courts of Summary Jurisdiction have not yet been concluded.