HC Deb 20 July 1927 vol 209 cc413-4W

asked the Postmaster-General the nature of the cheap facilities for Press telegrams, the extent to which they are being utilised, and the regulations concerning them?

Country with which Treaty is concluded. Date of Treaty. Remarks.
1. Austria 1924 Cannot be denounced before 1935.
2. Estonia 1926 Can be denounced at 12 months' notice.
3. Finland 1923 Can be denounced at 6 months' notice.
4. France 1882 Denounced by France in 1918, but continues in force subject to 3 months' notice.
5. Germany 1924 Cannot be denounced before 1929.
6. Greece 1926 Cannot be denounced before 1929.
7. Honduras 1910 Can be denounced at 12 months' notice.
8. Japan 1911 Can be denounced at 12 months' notice.
9. Latvia 1923 Can be denounced at 12 months' notice.
10. Portugal 1914 Can be denounced at 12 months' notice.
11. Siam 1925 Cannot be denounced until 1936.
12. Spain 1922 Can be denounced at 3 months' notice.
(revised in 1927).

Treaties recently signed with Hungary and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State contain provisions which (when the Treaties come into force) will have a similar effect. It is anticipated that these Treaties will be ratified and come into force shortly, and they will then be in force for a minimum of 10 years in the case of Hungary, and five years in the case of the Serb-Croat-Slovene State.


An inland Press telegram may be sent at the rate of 1s. for every 60 words between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and 1s. for every 80 words at other times. Copies for any additional addresses are chargeable at quarter-rate. The receipts from Press telegram traffic in the last financial year were £82,140. I am sending the hon. and gallant Member a copy of the relative statutory Regulations, as recently revised.