§ Commander BELLAIRSasked the President of the Board of Trade what was the approximate supply of steel forgings in this country from home and foreign sources in percentages of the whole supply for 1920, 1925, and any known period of 1927?
§ Mr. HACKINGThe following statement shows the quantities (a) of steel forgings produced in the United Kingdom, as set out in statistics published by the National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, and (b) the exports and net imports of certain classes of forgings, in each of the periods specified. It is, in the nature of the case, impossible to compile a statement which could be regarded as approximately exhaustive, covering exports and imports of steel forgings forming parts of ships, vehicles and machinery; and the particulars shown cover the greater part of the cases distinguished in the Trade Returns, in which such parts are exported or imported separately from the structures for which they are intended.
Dominions, and for research and publicity on behalf of the Crown Colonies?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREIt is not the policy of the Empire Marketing Board to apportion its expenditure between different parts of the Empire in the manner suggested in the question of my hon. Friend. In making grants for scientific 1863W research the Board aims at supporting schemes which promise to benefit either the Empire as a whole, or at any rate more than one part of it. In publicity its policy is to create a general background against which the claims of particular Empire products can be thrown into relief by individual Governments or organisations. Any apportionment of expenditure on a territorial basis is therefore impossible in regard to publicity. It must also be to a large extent arbitrary in the field of scientific research and economic
EMPIRE MARKETING BOARD. List of the Principal Grants Approved for Scientific Research and Economic Investigation, 1st June, 1926—30th November, 1927. NOTE.—The sums shown below include besides capital expenditure, the total of annual grants spread over periods not exceeding 5 years. Object of Grant. Department or body to whom grant made. Grant. Tropical and Sub-Tropical Research, £ Development of training centre for the study of tropical agricultural problems. Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad. 29,000 Contribution towards cost of maintenance of the Amani Institute. Amani Institute, Tanganyika Territory. 18,000 Establishment in Northern Australia of a tropical research station. Government of Commonwealth of Australia. 50,000 Contribution towards Colonial Agricultural Research Service. Colonial Office 110,000 Research in Metazoan Immunity Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 9,000 Low Temperature Research. Development of the work of the Low Temperature Research Station, Cambridge. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 75,000 Preservation and transport of fish Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1,500 Transport of Irish Free State butter Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1,000 Horticultural Research. Research into production of a variety of banana immune to Panama disease and investigation into transport of bananas under cold storage conditions. Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 12,350 Extension of the work of the East Mailing Horticultural Research Station with special reference to the standardisation of horticultural material. East Malling Horticultural Research Station. 35,600 Investigations into the keeping quality of fruit and its relation to the nutrition of the tree and soil conditions. Long Ashton Horticultural Research Station, Bristol. 20,000 Investigations into the control of certain pests and diseases of particular interest to horticulturists. Cheshunt Experimental and Research Station. 9,900 Entomology. Establishment of a laboratory for breeding beneficial parasites. Imperial Bureau of Entomology. 40,000 Research into the entomological control of noxious weeds Cawthron Institute, New Zealand. 11,333 Establishment of an Institute of Entomology at the University of Cambridge. University of Cambridge 20,000 Research into infestation by insects of stored products. Imperial College of Science 1,500 investigation, but I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the principal grants already made or approved for these purposes during the first 18 months of the Board's operation. For my own part, I would estimate very roughly that 40 per cent. of the grants are for the common benefit of the Empire at home and overseas, that some 35 per cent. concerns chiefly oversea Empire countries, and that fully 25 per cent. is specially devoted to the needs of home agriculture.
Following is the list:
Object of Grant. Department or body to whom grant made. Grant. Mycology. Improvement of accommodation for the Imperial Bureau Imperial Bureau of Mycology 8,000 Economic Botany. Visits of economic botanists to Dominions and Colonies and employment of botanical collectors for work overseas. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 10,457 Animal Breeding. Grants in aid of research at Cambridge University on the physiology and growth of farm animals, etc. University of Cambridge 7,500 Establishment of a Chair of Genetics a the University of Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh 10,000 Animal Husbandry. (1)Pasture Investigation: Research on the mineral content of natural pastures, with special reference to certain deficiencies in the soil and their effect on the growth and strength of livestock. (a) Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen. 10,000 (b) Commonwealth Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. 12,375 (c) New Zealand Research Council. 4,000 (2) Stock-rearing problems, Palestine Ad hoc Committee 1,500 Dietetics. Research work at the Lister Institute on the vitamin content of fruit, vegetables and dairy produce. Medical Research Council 20,000 Research into the physiological and pathological conditions associated with certain rationed and specialised diets, with special reference to Kenya native tribes. Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen. 6,000 Poultry Research. Scheme of research on nutrition, marketing, etc. Hillsborough Experimental Station, Northern Ireland, and Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen. 19,500 Research into effect of dietary factors on the quality of eggs. Department of Agriculture, Ontario, Canada. 3,700 Dairy Research. Investigations into the problems of "red spot" in cheese and "fishiness" in dairy products. National Institute for Research in Dairying, Reading. 3,200 Utilisation and marketing of milk and milk residues including feeding of milk to school children in Scotland. Board of Agriculture for Scotland; Scottish Board of Health; and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Northern Ireland, 4,510 Marketing. Marketing of agricultural produce in England and Wales Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 200,000 Fostering co-operative organisation of producers in the Empire. Horace Plunkett Foundation 7,500 Organisation of a Producers' Association for the Marketing of bananas. Jamaica Producers' Association. 2,400 Establishment of a quarantine station to assist the export of pedigree live stock to the oversea parts of the Empire. Royal Agricultural Society and Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 24,000 Production and marketing of flax seed Department of Agriculture, Canada. 2,000 Egg marketing in Scotland Board of Agriculture for Scotland. 5,000 Geophysical Surveying. Trials of methods of geophysical surveying Commonwealth Government 16,000 Total £ 821,825