HC Deb 14 April 1927 vol 205 c549W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of documents presented for stamping at the Inland Revenue Office, Baldwin Street, Bristol, for each of the past two years; what is the total staff employed at that office at the present time and a year ago; whether any other towns of the population of Bristol have the chief stamping office closed during the important hours of one and two o'clock; and, if so, which towns?


The number of documents, including unexecuted forms, stamped at the Inland Revenue Stamp Office, Baldwin Street, Bristol, for the year ended 31st March, 1926, was 446,382, and for the year ended 31st March, 1927, 467,671. The total staff at 31st March, 1927, consisted of one officer of the executive class (who alone is qualified to assess Stamp Duty on documents) one clerk and two stampers; the corresponding staff at 31st March, 1926, was two officers of the executive class and two stampers. In two towns with a population exceeding that of Bristol, namely, Sheffield and Leeds, the Stamp Office is closed from 1 to 2 p.m.