HC Deb 09 March 1926 vol 192 c2140W

asked the Minister of Transport what amount was advanced from the Road Fund in 1925 on new arterial roads, what amount on repairing Class I roads, what amount on Class II roads, and what amount on unclassified roads?

Colonel ASHLEY

The following grants have been made from the Road Fund since 1st April, 1925:

Maintenance and ordinary improvement of roads in Class I 8,385,375
Maintenance and ordinary improvement of roads in Class II 1,485,013
Widenings and other improvements on existing roads (both classified and unclassified) 6,169,925
New roads and new bridges (both classified and un classified) 933,108
No grants have, during the period under review, been made towards the maintenance of unclassified roads. Any further dissection of the figures would involve a considerable expenditure of time and labour, and I trust, therefore, that my hon. Friend will not press for it.

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