§ Sir C. COBBasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that Flying Officer F. M. Denny 2336W and Aircraftsman Hirst have been prisoners of Sheikh Mahmud, in Persian territory, for over six months; and what steps are being taken by the Foreign Office for the release of these British prisoners?
§ Mr. ORMSBY-GOREI have been asked to reply. The two airmen, to whom the hon. Member refers, were captured by Sheikh Mahmud on the 14th of June, and are believed to be now in Persian territory. Every effort has been made, and is still being made, by His Majesty's High Commissioner at Baghdad and by His Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Tehran to secure their early release. The Persian Government have expressed their determination to assist His Majesty's Government in every possible manner, and they are taking active steps with that object.