The following statements indicate the progress made in carrying out the various recommendations of the Linlithgow Committee:
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 258: |
The Departments of Agriculture, in conjunction with local authorities, should consider the
simplest and most direct means of furnishing technical and expert advice lo producers in the
preparation, packing, grading and marketing of home dairy produce. Assistance in the direction
of education and advice should also be given to cooperative dairy societies engaged primarily in
the manufacture of milk products. |
The giving of such advice forms part of the work of dairy instructresses working under the
Education Scheme of the Ministry of Agriculture. Experts speak highly of the work done by county
staffs, and consider that all that is necessary is that its scope should be extended. A number
of counties have been asked to strengthen their staffs on the dairy side. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 260: |
The problem of the remunerative conversion of whey into other products should continue to
receive the attention of the Ministry of Agriculture. |
An experimental factory for the manufacture of lactose was in existence fur some time, at
first under the Ministry and afterwards under University College, Reading. An account of the
research conducted on the subject has been published by the Ministry entitled "The Whey Problem
and a Solution"—Research Monograph No. 5. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraphs 299 and 302: |
The practice of "averaging returns" is not infrequent among salesmen. It is illegal. Every
grower is entitled to receive the actual price realised for his produce. |
A Bill has been prepared with the object of meeting these recommendations, and will, it is
hoped, be introduced into Parliament at an early date. |
Another illegal practice occasionally resorted to is that of returning to the grower lower
prices than those actually realised. This is dishonest. Growers are entitled to know the name of
the buyer of their goods, and they should exercise this right more extensively. |
Some salesmen also act as merchants, buying and selling on their own account according to
the trend of the market. It is illegal for a salesman to sell to himself goods he handles on
account of a principal. Salesmen should state clearly on each sales account whether they have
acted as salesmen or merchants. |
There is great variety in the methods adopted by salesmen in rendering sales accounts to
growers. Every account in respect of a commission sales should show not only the gross selling
price and the rate of commission charged, but also the amount of each separate deduction, such
as carriage, cartage, carriage on empties, porterage, market tolls, use of empties, telegrams,
etc. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 303: |
Commission salesmen in the wholesale fruit and vegetable markets should operate under
licence, such licences to be issued only under clearly defined conditions respecting commission
charges and business codes. Failing regulatory action by salesmen themselves, representative
associations of growers should bring pressure to bear in the direction of securing legislative
action to safeguard the producer against imposition. |
This recommendation has been fully explored, but involves serious difficulties. The Bill
mentioned above will, it is hoped, attain the object which the Committee had in view. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 312: |
Improvement of existing conditions at Covent Garden Market. |
The possibility of transferring the market to another site is engaging the attention of the
company owning the market. The Ministry is keeping in touch. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 315: |
The experimental work now being carried out by the University of Bristol at the research
factory at Campden in co-operation with the Horticultural Research Station at Long Ashton with
regard to the general question of fruit preservation, including canning, is deserving of every
encouragement and should be pressed forward. |
A grant of over £4,000 has been made to Campden this year, and two additional
research workers have recently been appointed. Special arrangements are already in existence at
the Campden factory for the instruction of county staffs in the commercial preservation of fruit
and vegetables. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 316: |
The domestic bottling of fruit is capable of considerable expansion, and should be
encouraged. The Departments of Agriculture, in conjunction with local authorities, should
endeavour to educate the public in the most economical methods. |
Courses in fruit and vegetable preservation are held for county instructors and others at
the Campden factory. Instructresses in fruit preservation are attached to sonic county councils;
in other counties, the horticultural instructors give the instruction required. Jam making,
fruit and vegetable drying and fruit bottling on a domestic scale have also been dealt with in
leaflets issued by the Ministry. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 318: |
The preservation of fruit and vegetables by refrigeration is in an experimental stage in
this country.. … Growers and growers' organisations should consider the advisability of
erecting refrigerating plant in areas where supplies of good-class fruit are regularly in excess
of the immediate demand. |
Growers and growers' organisations are interesting themselves in this problem. A conference
on cold storage for fruit was held at the Imperial Fruit Show in 1924, and was addressed by
officers of the Low Temperature Station for Research in Biochemistry and Biophysics, who
explained to the growers present the nature of the research which has so far been carried out.
The question will receive further consideration in a Report on Fruit Marketing which is in
course of preparation for issue in the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |
Cmd. 1892 Paragraph 319. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 42. |
The attention of growers should also be drawn to the cold storage accommodation which exists
in certain of the larger cities. The Department of Agriculture should publish particulars of
such accommodation. |
Inquiries have been made to ascertain the amount of cold storage available for fruit in the
principal markets. It has been found that special provision for fruit exists only in a few
cases, and is not in great demand. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 322. |
Export markets for ware potatoes. The Department of Overseas Trade should, through its
representatives abroad, provide information as to such markets and assist exporters in pushing
the sale of ware potatoes surplus to home requirements. |
This matter has been brought to the notice of the Department of Overseas Trade, whose
officers have been asked to collect information as to the prospects of developing the sale of
English ware potatoes abroad. In addition, it is the normal practice of the Ministry to take
every opportunity of securing modifications in the Regulations of importing countries in order
to facilitate this trade. Where such Regulations require inspection and certification of
potatoes before export the Ministry undertakes this on behalf of exporters. Valuable
modifications of the Uruguayan, Argentine and French Regulations have been secured within the
last few years. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 324. |
Efforts should be made to discover suitable non-returnable containers for fruit and
vegetables. |
Many non-returnable packages have been introduced through the grading and packing scheme of
the Federation of British Growers. The Ministry has secured the agreement of the trade upon
standard non-returnable packages for strawberries. The subject will be further dealt with in a
Report on the Marketing of Fruit which will shortly be issued in the Ministry's Economic Series
of publications. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 326: |
Growers should be required to declare the count or number of fruit or vegetables in each
package of produce marketed, or the minimum net weight of produce it contains. In cases where
produce is sold on. any other basis, a standard package should be used. |
The Horticultural Advisory Council has endorsed this recommendation, but the proposal
presents difficulties, particularly as it would also have to he applied to imported produce.
Attention is, however, drawn to the Sale of Food, (Weights and Measures) Bill now before
Parliament. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 327. |
The general question of reducing the variety of packages in common use by the home-grower
should receive the earnest attention of all branches of the industry, in order to secure greater
uniformity throughout the trade. |
As in the case of the previous recommendation, the difficulties are great, but the industry
is alive to the importance of this problem. The subject will be further dealt with in a Report
on the Marketing of Fruit, which will shortly be issued in the Ministry's Economic Series of
Publications. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 330. |
The instruction already arranged by the Ministry of Agriculture in the grading and packing
of apples should be continued and extended to cover other varieties of produce. |
Local authorities have been asked to undertake instruction in the grading and packing of
fruit and numerous demonstrations have been given. In 1923, the Ministry imported a Cutler
grading machine from America, the use of which was demonstrated to growers in various districts
in co-operation with Local Authorities and Growers' Associations. In 1924, the Ministry equipped
an apple grading and packing station at Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, at which instruction was
given to officers of local authorities in the methods of grading and packing and in the
management of the Station. The Station has since been acquired by the local growers who formed a
co-operative society for the purpose, which received a loan under the Ministry's scheme of
advances to co-operative marketing undertakings. The working of the large fruit packing stations
in Canada and U.S.A. and the methods of grading and packing employed in marketing broccoli in
France have been investigated. Demonstrations have been given at Penzance, which is the centre
of the Cornish broccoli industry, and efforts are being made to secure the establishment of a
broccoli packing station in Cornwall. The Ministry's officers are also studying the methods of
grading and packing flowers. This subject will also receive consideration in the Report on Fruit
Marketing which will appear in the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 337: |
The broadcasting of market prices by wireless telephony would be advantageous and merits
investigation. If any effective scheme can be devised by the growers' associations the
Departments of Agriculture and the General Post Office should co-operate in securing its
adoption. |
Agricultural information is being broadcast by the Ministry each week. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 338: |
The. Departments of Agriculture, in conjunction with representatives of growers'
organisations, should consider the possibility of publishing more comprehensive information
regarding the total annual production of fruit and vegetable crops in this country. |
Returns of the extent of fruit growing have been obtained in greater detail and estimates of
the production of fruit have been published in Part II of the Agricultural Statistics. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 339: |
The Departments of Agriculture and the representative associations of growers should
consider whether earlier information in regard to vegetables could not be published during the
planting season in order that the prospects of quantities available for market may be made known
at an earlier date than at present. |
The recommendation has been looked into, but it is not considered possible to collect
earlier information of a reliable nature as to the area of crops. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraphs 369 and 370: |
If sufficiently supported, legislation should be introduced rendering it compulsory to weigh
and exhibit or announce the weight of all fat cattle, sheep and pigs before sale. In the event
of a preponderance of opinion in favour of compulsory sale by live weight, the Ministry of
Agriculture should promote the necessary legislation. |
A Bill is at present before Parliament with the object of making it compulsory to weigh
before sale all fat cattle offered for sale at auction marts. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraphs 385 and 386: |
Public abattoir policy and powers of local authorities. |
This is a matter for the Ministry of Health. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 372: |
The Ministry of Agriculture should reconsider the exemptions granted under the Markets and
Fairs (Weighing of Cattle) Acts, 1887 and 1891, and administer the Statutes as firmly as
possible. |
This is being done. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraphs 398 and 445: |
It is desirable that means should, if possible, be devised to secure the effective marking
of meat and eggs. |
This proposal is covered by the Merchandise Marks (Imported Goode) Bill now before a
Committee of the House of Commons. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 400: |
The Departments of Agriculture should continue to encourage the scientific investigation of
practical points connected with animal husbandry, and adequate funds should be placed at the
disposal of these Departments to sustain and extend the work which is now in hand. |
The Ministry has for some years, through the medium of its livestock schemes, endeavoured to
promote the improvement of breeding both for meat and milk production, and grants are made to
research institutions for investigations into animal husbandry. This work is now being
considerably developed. |
The attention of societies under the livestock improvement schemes should be directed to the
necessity for improving stock for meat-producing purposes. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 404: |
The home curing of bacon on the farm and in villages should be encouraged. Instruction in
bacon curing should he arranged at centres of agricultural education. |
A leaflet on the subject. has been issued. Instruction in the home-curing of bacon is given
at two centres. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 420: |
The Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with curers, should make a definite and
authoritative pronouncement as to the best type of pig for the production of bacon. The schemes
of these Departments for the improvement of livestock, so far as they relate to premium boars,
should be adapted to the necessities of the trade. |
Several Conferences with bacon curers and others interested have been held by the Ministry.
and a leaflet dealing with this question has been given wide publicity both by distribution to
applicants and through the medium of Education Authorities. Lectures are also being given in
various parts of the country. The livestock schemes of the Ministry take into consideration
local requirements as to breed and type of pig required, and the Department reserves the right
to refuse premiums to boars unless it me satisfied that the breed is suitable to the needs of
the district. The question also receives attention in a Report on Pig Marketing which has been
completed for early issue in the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 394: |
Domestic economy instruction in educational centres can be most usefully directed to the
encouragement of the economical utilisation of the cheaper joints. |
This matter has been considered by the Inter-departmental Committee of the Ministry and the
Board of Education; the National Federation of Women's Institutes has been asked to consider the
circulation of information on the subject in the form of a leaflet. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 403: |
City Corporation should arrange for the publication of prices of meat. |
The Ministry brought this recommendation to the notice of the Corporation, and effect has
now been given to it. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 425: |
In view of the close relationship between co-operative dairying and co-operative bacon
production, the Ministry of Agriculture should devise means of supporting an experiment for the
co-operative production of bacon in conjunction with a co-operative cheese school. |
The desirability of connecting, where possible co-operative dairy schools with cooperative
bacon factories is recognised, and action will be taken when a suitable opportunity arises. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 430: |
Proprietors of cold storage accommodation in this country should be required to furnish
detailed particulars at regular intervals of the total quantity of meat of various kinds held in
cold store. At present no machinery exists by which such information may be made available to
the consuming public. |
This is a matter for the Board of Trade. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 434. |
The General Post Office, the railway companies, and the various road transport companies
should consider the possibility of introducing a system of returning empty egg boxes at a
nominal charge. The railway companies already have special favourable rates for empties, but
these appear to be subject to a minimum weight of 28 lb.' |
The arrangement between. the Post Office and the railway companies for the conveyance of the
parcel post based on the Parcel Post Acts of 1882 and 1922 preclude the introduction of a
cheaper rate for returned empties. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraphs 253, 259. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 294. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 435. |
The Post Office Authorities should consider the question of a cash-on-delivery service, and
make an experimental test of the system over a sufficient period of time. The railway companies
should also consider the advisability of adopting a cash-on-delivery system. |
A Cash-on-Delivery Service has been inaugurated by the General Post Office, but the railway
companies have not yet adopted the system. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 451. |
A profitable trade might be established in this country by the sale of " broilers " or young
cockerels, taken from laying flocks and fattened and killed at about 10 to 12 weeks old.
Suitable propaganda should be conducted. |
This will be dealt with in a Report on Poultry Marketing which is being prepared for issue
in the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 458. |
The preservation of eggs in times of glut is an enterprise which co-operative societies
might undertake with advantage. The economic possibility of preserving eggs by cold storage in
the spring should be considered in conjunction with the cold storage of fruit during other
seasons. |
This subject was dealt with in the Report on Egg Marketing (Economic Series No. 10). |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 86. |
Additional statistics of prices at markets where produce is sold by producers may be
desirable, and, if necessary, additional funds should be placed at the disposal of the
Departments for this purpose. |
In view of the need for reducing expenditure, no proposal on these lines has been put
forward. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 89. |
It may be possible by collaboration between the Departments of Agriculture and Labour to
secure a more complete and comparable record of producers' and consumers' prices, and we
recommend that the Departments concerned should explore every possibility in this
direction. |
The Ministry obtains information as to wholesale or producers' prices for most agricultural
commodies and publishes it in the " Agricultural Market Report." Information as to retail prices
is collected by the Ministry of Labour and is published monthly in the Ministry of Labour "
Gazette." The possibility of using this information for the comparison of producers' and
consumers' prices has been considered by the Ministry in consultation with the Ministry of
Labour, but the information available is not of the kind which is essential to provide a
satisfactory basis for comparison. There are serious difficulties in ensuring that any wholesale
and retail prices which are compared refer to the same grade or quality, and in deciding what is
the average retail price of any commodity having regard to the services such as delivery,
credit, etc., which may or may not be included. In addition wholesale and retail prices are not
exactly comparable in point of time and retail prices usually lag behind wholesale prices. |
A Memorandum on the subject was submitted to the Royal Commission on Food Prices, and is
included in the evidence published by that body. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 94. |
Instruction in the subject of marketing should be included in the courses at Farm Institutes
and other educational centres where practicable. |
Effect is being given to this recommendation as far as possible. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 95. |
The Ministry of Agriculture should consider the advisability of obtaining funds to allow of
the appointment of a marketing advisory officer in each of the educational districts into which
the country is at present divided. |
The Ministry has recently established a scheme under which Advisory and Investigational
Officers in Agricultural Economics are stationed in certain of the educational districts. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 97. |
The Departments of Agriculture should devote snore attention to marketing and to commercial
problems than has hitherto, been the case. They should keep a close watch on the whole system of
marketing and distribution of agricultural produce. The material accumulated and published by
the Committee in the course of our inquiry should he collated and kept up to date. |
The Ministry has set up a special Markets and Co-operation Branch for the purpose referred
to and has appointed a number of marketing officers to carry out an extensive survey of the
whole system of marketing and marketing methods in this country. These investigations are now in
progress. The following Reports have been issued to date: |
Co-operative Marketing of Agricultural Produce in England and Wales. |
Large Scale Co-operative Marketing in the United States. |
The Co-operative Purchase of Agricultural Requisites in England and Wales. |
The Trade in Refrigerated Beef, Mutton and Lamb. |
Wool Marketing in England and Wales. |
Marketing of Potatoes in England and Wales. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Action taken. |
Egg Marketing in England and Wales. |
Reports on the Marketing of pigs and poultry will be published at an early date, together
with a survey of markets and marketing facilities in the Midland Counties. These will be
followed by reports on the marketing of other commodities, and on markets and marketing
facilities in other parts of the country. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 100. |
The Government Departments concerned should collect and publish information as to the
control and ownership of markets and any relative information likely to be useful. |
So far as the Ministry of Agriculture is concerned, this proposal is receiving consideration
in connection with the marketing investigations referred to above. As stated, a Report on the
markets and marketing facilities in the Midland Counties is nearing completion and will be
published at an early date. |
Cmd. 1854 , Paragraph 246: |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 336: |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraphs 426, 459 |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraphs 73–78: |
Advances to Agricultural Co-operative Societies. |
A sum of money is provided by Parliament to enable the Ministry to make loans to develop
forms of co-operation directed to the preparation and marketing of agricultural produce. A
committee of business men and persons interested in co-operation has been appointed to advise
the Ministry in regard to the making of these loans. Loans to the extent of about £36,000
have been approved to date. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraphs 373, 379, 388, 437: |
The Departments of Health should use their influence to restrict the market tolls and
charges levied by local authorities. |
The Ministry of Health consults the Ministry of Agriculture in this matter and such action
as is possible is taken in the direction suggested. |
All Reports: |
Railway rates and charges. |
The Committee's recommendations have been brought to the notice of the railway companies and
of the Ministry of Transport. |
All Reports: |
General recommendations with regard to the promotion of agricultural co-operation. |
The Ministry is giving continuous attention to this question in connection with the
marketing investigations at present in hand. Reports on the Co-operative Marketing of
Agricultural Produce in England and Wales (Economic Series No. 1) and the Co-operative Purchase
of Agricultural Requisites (Economic Series No. 5) have been published. |
Summary of certain. recommendations of the Linlithgow
Committee which do not admit of legislative or administrative action. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Remarks. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 225: |
Businesses engaged in the combined operation of wholesaling-retailing in London and
elsewhere on a margin of is. a gallon should be in a position to make some concession either to
producer or to consumer. |
The Board of Trade held a conference on the 17th July, 1923, attended by representatives of
the milk trade, to discuss the Committee's Report. By the contracts made under the N. F . U.
scheme for the year 1923-24 the combined margin was reduced to 11d. per gallon during three
months in |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Remarks. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 225—continued. |
the winter. In 1924–25 the combined margin for six months was reduced to 9½d.
per gallon. In 1925–26 the marriage have been: Six winter months, 11d.; April, 8d.; May
to July, 1s. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 227: |
The practice which obtains in certain parts of the country of farmers selling milk to their
own employés at wholesale rates should be more generally adopted. |
Under the Agricultural Wages Act, 1924, it is permissible for local wages committees to fix
the rate at which milk is to be calculated as a benefit in lieu of cash wages. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 231: |
The principle of collective bargaining as exemplified in the recent agreements between milk
producers and distributors is sound and should be maintained. The method of buying excess
supplies on the basis of their potential value for manufacturing purposes is a feature of
special importance. |
The principle of collective bargaining has been more extensively adopted. The method of
paying for excess quantities on the basis of the price of imported cheese has been maintained as
regards London and Birmingham. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 232: |
As regards the existing London agreement, the deduction from farmers' prices made by
creamery proprietors in respect of transit risks should be substantially reduced. |
The deduction made was reduced as regards 1925-26 contracts to ld. per gallon throughout the
year. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 233. |
As regards future agreements, producers and distributors should consider the advisability of
providing for the purchase of milk at farmers' stations, rather than at those of the buyers, in
order to avoid excessive haulage by rail. |
So far as is known, the principle of purchase at farmers' station has not been adopted. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 234. |
Producers should press for a form of contract with distributors which enables them to retain
the option of disposing of the surplus in the most remunerative manner on their own farms or
under their own auspices. |
The forms of contract in use this year allow producers to retain surplus milk on their farms
where agreement has been reached with the distributor. |
Cmd. 1854: Paragraph 250. |
The Railway Companies should consider the question of differential rates in favour of the
10- or 12-gallon churn as against the 17-gallon churn now largely used, in view of the saving in
truck space that would result. |
The question of differential rates for 10- or 12-gallon churns as against 17-gallon churns
has been considered by a Joint Committee of the N.F.U. and the Railway Companies' Association.
The companies are not prepared to give special rates for the smaller churns on the ground that
any saving in truck space would be more than counterbalanced by extra cost of handling. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 293. |
Installation of Post Office telephones at Railway Station Offices. |
The railway companies are extending telephone systems to goods yards, etc., but this can
only be done where it is economically justified. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 295. |
In many of the principal distributive markets porterage is charged on the produce handled.
These charges should be clearly scheduled, exhibited in each market, and revised from time to
time to meet changing conditions. |
This is receiving consideration in the survey now being undertaken by the Ministry into
markets and marketing facilities throughout the country. |
Reference to Repert, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Remarks. |
Cmd. 1892: Paragraph 296. |
Many growers undertake their own unloading, but in some markets derive no corresponding
relief from porterage charges. Certain charges on unloading at Covent Garden and the Borough
Market should only be enforced when unloading is required by the grower, and should otherwise be
substantially reduced or discontinued. |
So far as Covent Garden is concerned, this recommendation has been carried out as from
January, 1924. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 368: |
There is evidence that butchers and dealers frequently form " rings " at auction
sales. The representative organisations of dealers and butchers, in consultation with the
Auctioneers' Institute, should endeavour to put a stop to this practice. |
Collaboration between the Auctioneers' Institute and the representative organisations of
dealers and butchers in regard to this matter has not been found practicable. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 374: |
Sales accounts rendered by auctioneers should state clearly the gross price realised and the
deductions made, such as tolls, commission and any other charges. The profession should adopt
this method for all sales of stock in the markets. |
The Auctioneers' Institute has discussed this recommendation, but does not consider that any
advantage would accrue to either producer or consumer by its adoption. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 390: |
The current rate of commission at Smithfield is 4d. per stone of 8 lbs. and is almost
exactly double the pre-War charge per unit weight of fresh meat handled. This increase is
greater than is justified. |
So far as is known, there has been no move in the direction of reducing this charge. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 408: |
In all markets where such a course is feasible, a system of insurance against loss from
postmortem condemnation should be initiated. The parties concerned should endeavour to
promote the formation of schemes, while the Auctioneers' Institute might with advantage
collaborate and advise. Local authorities possessing public abattoirs should do all in their
power to encourage these endeavours. |
This question has been discussed between the National Farmers' Union and the National
Federation of Meat Traders' Associations. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 421: |
Bacon curers should adopt a system of payment for quality. They seem reluctant to do so for
fear of offending producers. In Denmark the permanence of the supply of suitable bacon pigs has
been assured by the establishment, in conjunction with the factories, of breeding centres, from
which producers can obtain suitable stock. |
This is a question which has been brought to the public notice by the Press, and in articles
in the Ministry's Journal_ For example see page 513 of Ministry's Journal for September,
1923. |
Cmd. 1927: Paragraph 447: |
The production of table poultry in this country might be developed to a greater extent.
Retailers should seek to increase their sales by aiming at a somewhat lower margin of profit and
thus converting the poultry trade into less of a luxury business than it is at
present. |
This will be dealt with in a Report on Poultry Marketing which is shortly to be issued in
the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |
Cmd. 1971: Paragraph 196: |
Experimental establishment of granaries or warehouses in grain-producing areas. |
The possibility of any action on these lines is being investigated in connection with the
marketing investigations which the Ministry has now in hand. |
Reference to Report, Paragraph, and Recommendation. |
Remarks. |
Cmd. 1971: Paragraph 229: |
Production and sale of Yeoman flour and the all-English loaf. |
much has been done in the direction of selling all-English flour within the limits of
available supply. A leaflet entitled "Home Grown Wheat for Bread making" (No. 79) has recently
been issued by the Ministry. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 19: |
Organisations of producers should make it their business to study closely the systems of
marketing and distribution. |
Organisations of producers are devoting increasing attention to these matters. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraph 49: |
Lack of account-keeping in small businesses. Need for training young men in retail business
methods. |
It is understood that training of this nature is provided at a number of centres throughout
the country. |
Cmd. 2008: Paragraphs 50 and 53: |
Possibility of reduction of retail prices by reduction in services (delivery, etc.) demanded
by consumers, Establishment of retail markets under municipal control. |
Retail markets will receive consideration in the Report on markets and marketing facilities
in the Midland Counties which;s approaching completion for issue in the Ministry's Economic Series of publications. |