HC Deb 10 February 1926 vol 191 cc1048-9W

asked the Minister of Labour if he will consider the advisability of starting training centres in Scotland on the same lines as those now operating successfully at Claydon, Birmingham and Wallsend?


The training centres are for the moment in a wholly experimental stage and while I think they are most promising I regret that for the present I do not see my way to providing any additional centres.


asked the Minister of Labour the places where training centres for the unemployed are in operation; how many of such centres are residential; what are the numbers of men and youths, and their ages, at each centre; in what occupations are they being trained; how many skilled instructors are engaged; and is it intended to set up other centres and, if so, where?


Training centres for young unemployed men are in operation at Birmingham, Wallsend and Claydon, near Ipswich. The last-named only is residential. The numbers in training on 3rd February were 352, 403 and 195 respectively. Another residential centre will be opened as soon as possible near Brandon in Suffolk. The age limits at present fixed are 19 and 25, or 29 for ex-service men. Eighty-three skilled instructors are at present employed. The course at the non-residential centres consists of general training in the use of tools, with a view to accustoming the men to workshop discipline and making them generally more employable. At the residential centre there is also a course of training for intending emigrants in land work, including the care of stock. The centres are an experiment, and it is not proposed to increase their number at present.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is satisfied with the progress of the courses of instruction recently started for young unemployed men; and whether he has yet any indication that the training given is improving the employability of the men trained?


Yes, Sir, this experiment is proving so far in every way a great success, and I am confident that the courses will greatly improve the trainees' prospects of obtaining steady employment.