HC Deb 04 May 1925 vol 183 c605W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that a large number of pensioners of all ranks still experience great difficulty in obtaining houses, and that many would gladly commute their pensions with the object of becoming house owners; and whether he would be willing to consider a scheme which would permit pensioners commuting a larger proportion of their pensions for the purpose of building or purchasing a house?


I am fully alive to the fact that war pensioners, in common with all other classes of the population, are still experiencing difficulty in obtaining housing accommodation, and sympathetic consideration is always given to applications for commutation for the purpose of purchasing houses for occupation, especially if it appears that the applicant's existing accommodation is unsatisfactory. I do not, however, consider it would be desirable, even in this type of case, to alter the rule regarding the minimum weekly amount that must be left uncommuted, as this rule is clearly in the interests of the pensioners.