HC Deb 23 March 1925 vol 182 cc63-4W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the estimated cost of £1,320,000 for the Huni Valley-Kadi Railway, of 100 miles in length, is based on a complete specification and a priced detailed bill of quantities, which includes personal emoluments and all costs of other departmental assistance, as would be done if the work were carried out by a contractor; whether contractors were invited to, tender for this work; what is the estimated time for the completion of this railway line; and whether the estimate includes the cost of the land?


The estimate of £1,320,000 assumes a cost of £11,000 per mile for 120 miles, allowing for full equipment, locomotives and rolling stock. This figure is comprehensive and includes all the usual items both of direct and indirect expenditure and contingencies which would appear in contractors' estimates. The decision taken in the spring of 1923 that the railway should be constructed departmentally by the Colonial Government was arrived at after consultation in this country with the Governor, and I informed the hon. Member for Warrington (Captain Reid) of this decision in reply to a question by him on June 4th, 1923. It may be anticipated that if the present rate of progress is maintained the line may be completed early in 1927

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