HC Deb 12 March 1925 vol 181 c1532W
Captain A. EVANS

asked the President of the Board of Education how many State scholarships to universities have been granted by the Board in each of the last three years; and to what universities the students have gone?


No new awards of State scholarships were made in 1922 or 1923, but. 65 students to whom State scholarships had been awarded in previous years proceeded to universities in 1922 and eight did so in 1923. In 1924 the scheme for State scholarships was revived and 198 scholarships were awarded to students who proceeded to universities in that year. The following table shows the numbers proceeding to each university;

University. 1922. 1923. 1924. Totals.
Oxford 24 3 32 59
Cambridge 32 5 62 99
Durham None None 4 4
London 3 None 38 41
Manchester None None 12 12
Birmimham 1 None 8 9
Liverpool 2 None 8 10
Leeds 2 None 9 11
Sheffield None None 6 6
Bristol 1 None 5 6
Wales None None 14 14
Totals 65 8 198 271