HC Deb 11 March 1925 vol 181 cc1357-8W

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he can say how the coal used for home consumption in the years 1913, 1923 and 1924 was disposed of?

Colonel LANE-FOX

The coal used for home consumption in the years 1913 and 1923 was disposed of as shown in the following statement, as far as particulars are available. Similar details of the consumption of coal at home in the year 1924 are not yet in my possession, but the total quantity is estimated to have been about 180 million tons:

Consumer. Great Britain.
1913. 1923.
Million Tons. Million Tons.
Domestic 33.5 33.7
Gas works 17.4 l7.2
Electricity generating stations belonging to Authorised Undertakings and to Railway and Tramway Authorities. 4.9 7.2
Railway companies (all purposes). 14.5 14.7
Vessels engaged in the coastwise trade (bunkers). 1.9 1.2
Pig iron manufacture (including the coal equivalent of coke used). 21.2 14.6
Collieries (engine fuel) 18.0 16.8
Miners' coal 5.8 6.5
General manufactures and all other purposes. 66.6 56.9
Total consumption 183.8* 168.8*
* In addition to this, 2.1 million tons of coal in 1913 and 5.8 million tons in 1923 were used in the manufacture of coke (gas or metallurgical) which was exported. Another 1.8 million tons of coal in 1913 and 1.0 million tons in 1923 were used in the manufacture of patent fuel which was exported.