HC Deb 10 March 1925 vol 181 c1151W

asked the Minister of Transport what is the total annual sum paid as licence duties on motor cars in the County of London; and what sum has been paid or authorised by the Minister for road improvements in the county during each of the last three years?

Colonel ASHLEY

As I have already explained on previous occasions, the Road Fund is a national fund, and I am reluctant to make any statement regarding the amount collected in motor vehicle licence duties by any individual licensing authority. I trust, therefore, that my hon. Friend will not press for a reply to the first part of the question. With regard to the second part, the total grants made from the Road Fund during the financial year 1921–24 to the London County Council and to the Metropolitan Borough Councils in respect of road works within the County of London (including new construction as well as ordinary maintenance and improvement) were as follow:

1921–22 £713,434
1922–23 £579,700
1923–24 £466,628