HC Deb 03 March 1925 vol 181 c261W

asked the Secretary of State for War when and for what term of years the Deptford Cattle Market was taken over by his Department; the total amounts paid as rent to the Corporation of London and expended upon alterations and repairs; when negotiations for the purchase of the property were commenced; the terms and conditions under which it is now held; and the number of officials and workpeople at present employed there?


The Deptford Cattle Market was taken over on the 4th August, 1914, for so long as the exigencies of the public service might require, but not exceeding five years after the termination of the War,i.e., the limit of the period of agreement is the 31st August., 1926. The rent is £10,000 a year, and about £400,000 has, been spent on alterations and repairs, including railways. Negotiations for the purchase commenced early in 1924, when the Department decided to exercise its option of purchase under the agreement. The Department is still in occupation under the original terms of the agreement. The number of officials and workpeople at present employed is 199.

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