HC Deb 30 June 1925 vol 185 c2241W

asked the Minister of Health what is the cost per house, the amount of subsidy given, and the rent charged for the houses being built by the Industrial Housing Association for Maltby Main, Rossington Main, Bullcroft Main, Yorkshire Main, Brodsworth Main, and Markham Main collieries, respectively?


The 1,656 non-parlour houses in these schemes are to be erected under various contracts, and the price varies from £375 to £430. The average cost for all non-parlour houses is £403. The average cost of the 22 parlour houses built for the Yorkshire Main Colliery is £445. The subsidy in each case is an annual payment of £6 per house under the Act of 1923. The rents under this Act do not require my approval, but I am informed that the rents do not in any case give an economic return on the capital expended, even after allowance is made for the Exchequer subsidy.

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