HC Deb 21 December 1925 vol 189 cc2015-6W

asked the Minister of Transport the total amount of the Road Fund at the disposal of the Staffordshire County Council; and what grants, if any, have been made to the Wednesbury Town Council since 1918?

Colonel ASHLEY

No portion of the moneys accruing to the Road Fund can be said to be at the disposal of any particular authority. The grants to the administrative county of Stafford as a whole and to the Wednesbury Town Council as part of the administrative county, since 1918 have been as follow:

regard to the memorial sent to him in May last, signed by 90 Members of Parliament, with reference to the Royal Commission on Lunacy and Mental Disorder now sitting?


On the 30th May I wrote to my hon. Friend the Member for Exeter (Sir R. Newman), who had forwarded this memorial to me, and informed him that the Royal Commission have a complete discretion regarding the procedure they adopt in the conduct of their inquiry, and that I am not, therefore, in a position to give any directions in the matter. At the same time I informed my hon. Friend of some of the consideration which had weighed with the Royal Commission in determining their procedure, and which appeared to me fully to justify the course which they have adopted in their inquiry.