HC Deb 17 December 1925 vol 189 cc1677-8W

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether, in respect that the Duke of Montrose has, on behalf of the trustees of the Arran Estates, offered to the Fishery Board the free use in perpetuity of Loch Ranza Harbour as a haven for fishermen who ply their calling from Campbeltown, Tarbert, and else-where in the West Coast of Scotland, and has agreed that the said trustees shall act as harbour authority, and the said haven, which is situate in the stormy Sound of Kilbrannan, is greatly desiderated by the fishing community, he will now take steps to have the harbour dredged of the sand and silt which prevent its use at other than high tides?


I am aware that the attitude of the trustees of the Arran Estate in this matter is sympathetic and that they have expressed willingness to consider what arrangements they can make about the harbour. On my present information, however, I am not aware that the trustees have agreed to act as harbour authority with the corresponding obligations. The Fishery Board for Scotland have no power to act as a harbour authority nor to become responsible for the dredging work as suggested. The cost of dredging a channel is estimated at about £5,240 with an annual cost of £160 for periodical re-dredging. Unless this cost can be met locally by voluntary contributions, the only alternative appears to be the constitution at the instance of those locally interested of a statutory harbour authority with power to levy dues out of which the necessary expenditure could be met. At the present time I am afraid that no promise of assistance from public funds can be given.