HC Deb 15 December 1925 vol 189 c1223W

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether the Scottish Board of Health is bringing pressure to bear upon different municipal authorities in Scotland to persuade them to accept one of the four types selected for the special subsidy after certain authorities have intimated their unwillingness to accept either of the types in question and expressed their preference for other types?


I am bringing no pressure to bear on Scottish local authorities in favour of any particular type. I am, however, doing my utmost to induce them to co-operate in the provision of additional housing by alternative methods, but it must be clearly understood that an essential factor in such schemes must be the provision of a house at a rent within the reach of the mass of the population.


asked the Secretary for Scotland what local authorities

31st December, 1921. 31st December, 1922. 31st December, 1923. 31st December, 1924.
Police 6,477 6,211 6,329 6,394
Special constables 13,669 13,355 12,602 11,584