HC Deb 09 December 1925 vol 189 cc496-7W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that R. Axworthy, of 24, Hampton Street, Plymouth, an insured person since 1911, who has been out of employment since March last, has been refused further unemployment benefit, although he provided proof that he was diligently seeking employment; and whether he will state the grounds upon which this man, who has a wife and three children to support, has been denied unemployment benefit?


I am making inquiry, and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.


asked the Minister of Labour if any instructions have been issued to the managers of the Employment Exchanges throughout the country, or in Glasgow in particular, that no person who has been out of work for over two years should receive benefit unless in very exceptional cases; if so, will he state the nature of such instruction sent, or if any notice has been sent out to tighten the Regulations dealing with persons out of work over two years; and, if no notice has been sent out, will he state why so many persons are being disallowed benefit who have been out of work for two years, and in Glasgow in particular?


No instructions have been issued on this point other than those contained in paragraphs 37 to 43 of L.E.C. 82, 15, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy. As regards the last part of the question, the reason for the disallowances, no doubt, is that the claimants do not fulfil the statutory condition. The percentage of disallowance on this ground in the Glasgow area is slightly less than that for Great Britain.