HC Deb 03 December 1925 vol 188 cc2557-8W
Captain GEE

asked the President of the Board of Education the amounts granted to local education authorities for the years 1918–19, 1919–20, 1920–21, 1921–22, 1922–23, 1923–24, 1924–25, and 1925–26, respectively, and the proportion of these grants used for elementary school and secondary schools, respectively?


The amounts are as follow:

Elementary Education. Higher Education. Total.
£ £ £
1919–20 26,089,000 12,894,000 28,983,000
1920–21 32,352,000 4,561,000 36,913,000
1921–22 33,370,000 5,401,000 38,771,000
1922–23 32,568,000 4,878,000 37,446,000
1923–24 31,831,000 4,537,000 36,368,000
1924–25 31,865,000 4,860,000 36,725,000
1925–26 32,124,000 4,740,000 36,864,000

The figures here given are those of the grants payable for the years named so far as yet ascertained. For 1924–25 the figures will be subject to adjustment when the audited accounts are received; and the amounts of grants for some of the previous years have not yet been finally adjusted.

Comparable figures for 1918–19 are not available, as the grants were then payable on a different basis.

For 1925–26 the figures are those which formed the basis of the Board's Estimates; see pages 13 and 15 of the Board's Estimates Memorandum (Cmd. 2386).