HC Deb 08 October 1924 vol 177 c580W

asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that the guardians of Bedwelty Union have passed a resolution calling upon the Government as a matter of justice to accept as a national responsibility the maintenance of certain ex-service mental cases from 1st October, 1922, to 31st March, 1924; and will he take the measures necessary to give effect to this request of the guardians?


As a result of repeated investigation it has been decided that the mental condition of the men in question was neither attributable to, nor aggravated by, War service. It was, therefore, as an act of grace that the Government agreed to relieve Ideal rates of the liability for their maintenance from 1st April last. I can see no adequate ground for reopening the question of the charge before that date which has already been met by the ratepayers.