HC Deb 29 May 1924 vol 174 cc619-20W

asked the Minister of Pensions if his Department has any record of the number of disabled ex-service men who lose their employment either with the Government or private firms; and, if not, whether he will consider the advisability of compiling such records and instructing the local pensions committees to take up such cases and, if possible, secure reinstatement?


I have been asked to reply. The Joint Substitution Board keep a record of all disabled ex-service men discharged from Government service, and every effort is made to reinstate these men as vacancies arise. They are given preference over all other ex-service men as regards any temporary posts for which they are suitable. The total number of disabled ex-service men who have served in Government Departments and are unemployed was 304 on the 2nd May. As regards private firms, local King s Roll committees use the records of unemployed disabled ex-service men at Employment Exchanges in an effort to find the men work, including steps to secure reinstatement if practicable. According to a recent census taken under the authority of the King's Roll National Council, the total number of disabled ex-service men unemployed is estimated at about 38,800.