HC Deb 28 May 1924 vol 174 c451W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware that competent medical officers who have served in His Majesty's ships in the Persian Gulf have recommended the institution of V.D. cabinets in order to deal with the disease, and that these recommendations were expressed in the list of alterations and additions of His Majesty's ships "Crocus" and "Cyclamen," and were turned down, while over 70 white ratings are confined to the use of two lavatories in a climate where dysentery is prevalent: and why the recommendations of the medical officers are ignored in view of the desire of officers and men as expressed through their welfare committee?


As regards His Majesty's ship "Crocus," a V.D. cabinet and new lavatory were fitted during the refit, J the vessel in 1923. His Majesty's ship "Cyclamen" had a V.D. cabinet installed on fitting out for her present service, and the only alteration since asked for in connection with it was approved to be done in 1922. It therefore appears that the hon. Member has been misinformed in stating that the recommendations of the medical officers have been ignored. There should be three lavatories for the 70 white ratings referred to by the hon. Member, and a Report will be called for as to their allocation.